First of all, I hold the opinion that American culture is a melting pot, America absorbed a wide variety of immigrants around the world, in the beginning , it was the Europeans settled down in this new continent, and they formed the dominant and traditional culture of the USA, however, with the dramatically increasing immigrants from Latin, Africa, and Asia, the minority enrich the mainstream of culture. For example,first, it is a normal phenomenon that one family speaks several languages, English, Chinese, and even Spanish, because more and more Americans accept the idea of being intermarried. Second, many of the school systems have developed bilingual programs and multicultural curriculum.
Another important aspect of American culture is its tolerance. Americans always take best advantage of other countries' merits, therefore, they could excel other nations in the world.It is not surprising that you can enjor the italian sculptures in American streets, or have the Chinese cuisine in almost every American restaurant. In conclusion, American culture is not abstract, I can perceive it in our normal life.