March 28, 2009

Strategy Session

If I have the same problem as Mei, I definitely would make an effort to improve my English first to show to my instructor that I am outstanding, and then I would take some time to communicate with my instrutor to ask help.

As my experience, the international students confront the same problem like Mei more or less, the linguistic and cultural barrier causes misunderstanding readily. However, being passive is not a good solution, which would harm oneself ultimately. In the extreme case like Mei, she even gives up studying. which seems to be impulsive.

As far as I am concerned, if I have the difficulty in English or something else, I prefer to slove it actively. Because in this process, I improve myself and expand my mind. And I also believe that we have the potential ability to overcome the difficulty if we are willing to do it .

March 1, 2009


definition: concerned only with the obvious or apparent, or located near a surface.

sentence: their relationships is superficial, and cannot test by time.


definition:Open-minded or not strict in the observance of traditional, or established forms.

sentence: He is liberal towards the homosex.


definition: Composed of distinct or unlike elements or qualities.

sentence: The Chinese cuisine is famous for its diversity.


definition: The action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts.

sentence: He showes great empathy towards the poor.


definition: The attitude that one's own group is superior.

sentence: Ethnocentrism would prevent us to learn new thing.


definition: Something conforming to a fixed or general pattern
sentence: The stereotype of old fashion prevent us from renovation.


definition:An inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and events or to anticipate the best possible outcome.

sentence: He is optimistic about the recover of economy.


definition: Something material that blocks or is intended to block passage

sentence: The cultural barrier is a problem for most of the international students.


definition: to take in or utilize as a part.

sentence: the immigrants was quickly assimilated into American culture.


A withdrawing or separation of a person or a person's affections from an object or position former attachment.
His intensive work causes his alienation from family.